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Ithana: The Learn and Lunch Series

Ithana: The Learn and Lunch Series

JUNE 8, 2023 noon - 1 p.m.
Free to attend.
Optional lunch for $7.

The Chickasaw Cultural Center will host Ithana: The Learn and Lunch Series Thursday, June 8 at noon.

This month's topic, The Importance of Monarchs and All Pollinators, will be presented by Jennifer Bryant.

The series will focus on the significant role played by monarch butterflies and other pollinator species in sustaining our culture. The talk will discuss the efforts of the Chickasaw Nation in safeguarding our pollinator populations and explore how individuals can contribute to this cause in their own daily lives.

The presentation is free and open to the public. There is an option to purchase lunch for $7. This week's lunch consists of a pulled pork sandwich, summer slaw, peach dumplings with graham cracker granola and a drink.

Due to limited seating, reservations are preferred. Contact the Special Events Department at (580) 622-7130 or email

*IDP credit is available for Chickasaw Nation employees who attend.


About the Speaker:

Jennifer Bryant is a proud Chickasaw citizen who has worked for the Chickasaw Nation since February 2014. She has a bachelor’s degree in forestry with a minor in wildlife ecology and a Master of Science in international agriculture with an emphasis in food and water security from Oklahoma State University. She is the director of horticulture at the Chickasaw Cultural Center and has also served the Chickasaw Nation as a water resource manager, grant writer, park guide and agriculture supervisor. 

From 2011 to 2013, Jennifer served in the United States Peace Corps in Ghana as a natural resource advisor with her husband, Scott Robertson. During this time, she helped to establish a school farm that provided fresh vegetables to four rural primary schools and worked with local women’s shea butter groups to improve quality and marketability. She is also an active board member from PAMBE Ghana, a nonprofit that supports a Montessori school in Northern Ghana. Jennifer is passionate about the conservation of our natural resources and in her free time she enjoys hiking, backpacking, gardening, traveling and connecting with her family. 

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